Tuesday, August 31, 2010

English 314

Well, last semester, I took this class with another professor, but I withdrew from it. I would walk in knowing the information; however, when I left class, I was extremely confused.

Here are the three main reasons why I did not like the professor:
1. She was monotone. She showed no expression. This made it VERY difficult to pay attention to her.
2. She was NOT organized. She made us make our grading scale on projects. That may sound like a great thing, but with this professor, it was not. She also had no idea what was going on in class. We would express to her why we would want to do things, and she would say something back to us that did not relate to what we just said.
3. She did not know a thing about computers. She would be so nit-picky about how we would do things, yet she was unable to do them herself.

Because of these factors, I decided to withdraw from the class. So far, take two on this class seems okay. I like to see a syllabus and a grading scale, and the professor seems more organized and tech suave than my previous professor.

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