Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am so thankful to finally be done with the instructions project. At first I wasn't a fan of all the peer reviews, but when it came to do my final draft I didn't have much to do at all. Normally I don't like group projects, but when it comes to giving feedback on something I have done by myself it is useful.

I missed last class, so I'm not sure which group I am in. We'll see how this group project goes. Hopefully it'll be better than some of my previous experiences with group projects.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging... UGH

So, to be honest, this is one of the things I totally forget to do for class. I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with school and work. I feel like summer did not last long enough.

I'm ready to get these instructions over with as well. I'm doing trench ball, a dodge ball game. Honestly, it's turning out a bit more difficult than I thought it would. I have written out instructions for games before; in fact, I made a book of games for my camp staff in the past. But, I am finding that this trench ball game is hard to explain in writing! Maybe I should have gone with a different game...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Instructions Pt. 2

So, I was debating on two things to write instructions on-- how to make a friendship bracelet or how to play trench ball. Instructions for both of these would be useful for my staff at summer camp and at after school care for the Y.

At first I was leaning towards the friendship bracelet, but then I realized how easier it is to SHOW someone how to make one. I've taught people hundreds of times how to make one, but I had a difficult time trying to write down how to make one.

I have decided to write instructions on trench ball. It's a dodge ball game that I have played with campers for a camp-wide game. The game is a lot of fun and can be played for hours! Plus, I found it easier to write down how to play the game rather than how to make the bracelet! :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We were told to bring instructions for our next class. This made me think of Legos for some reason. When Star Wars I came out into theaters, my brothers and I were into the Lego sets for that movie. We bought practically every set there was. The instructions for the Lego sets were easy to follow. In fact, we were able to complete the sets quickly.

Those instructions were probably the only instructions I've actually really used to put something together. I know when I get a new iHome system or something along those lines, I just start putting it together without looking at the book.

It seems like as we are introduced to more technology, the easier it is for us to set things up. I think this is so because we have already done it numerous times or have even watched someone do it before.

However, some instructions these days seem very complex and confusing, so we just toss the manual out anyways and call a friend or try to reach the customer service for help.

Instructions to me seem to be fading in a way. I know that they are necessary though and that they will stay around for a long time.