Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Instructions Pt. 2

So, I was debating on two things to write instructions on-- how to make a friendship bracelet or how to play trench ball. Instructions for both of these would be useful for my staff at summer camp and at after school care for the Y.

At first I was leaning towards the friendship bracelet, but then I realized how easier it is to SHOW someone how to make one. I've taught people hundreds of times how to make one, but I had a difficult time trying to write down how to make one.

I have decided to write instructions on trench ball. It's a dodge ball game that I have played with campers for a camp-wide game. The game is a lot of fun and can be played for hours! Plus, I found it easier to write down how to play the game rather than how to make the bracelet! :)


Jessica said...

I also had a hard time deciding on what I wanted to do too! I chose to do a recipe, but in the beginning I couldn't decide on WHICH recipe. I had it down between how to make pasta or how to make lasagna. I decided to go with the pasta because I thought that would make for a better set of instructions. Hopefully when it's peer evaluation time, the person who is reading it will understand what I'm talking about!

JShomp said...

I agree, making friendship bracelets is one of those things where it's just easier to show people. I think you made a good choice with the trench ball game. I read your introduction last class and I think you're off to a great start!

Scott said...

For some half the battle was decding on the topic. I was one of them. Trying to decide on something that could be done in the time limits was my challenge. The topics that I was considering require alot of time. My decision was made and now it is time to have some fun with it.