Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging... UGH

So, to be honest, this is one of the things I totally forget to do for class. I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with school and work. I feel like summer did not last long enough.

I'm ready to get these instructions over with as well. I'm doing trench ball, a dodge ball game. Honestly, it's turning out a bit more difficult than I thought it would. I have written out instructions for games before; in fact, I made a book of games for my camp staff in the past. But, I am finding that this trench ball game is hard to explain in writing! Maybe I should have gone with a different game...


TPayne22 said...

Yea I am not the biggest fan of all this blogging. Im in engineering for a reason, I'm good with numbers, not writting papers and blogging. I always forget to blog too, and when I go to blog it takes me forever to come up with something to write about.

HLong said...

I have never really seen the logic behind blogging. It just seems to be a way for socially withdrawn people feed their introverted tendencies, by avoiding actual conversation. I'm not to fascinated with being required to do this for a grade, because I would rather just have a thirty second conversation as opposed to spending 10 minutes having to read someones opinion and find some way formulate my own response.