Wednesday, November 10, 2010

America's Backyard

When you were in elementary school, the best part of the day was recess. Going down the slides, swinging on the swing sets, climbing on the monkey bars, and just hanging out with your friends. What more can a kid ask for? I work with kids everyday in an after school program and all they want to do is play out on the playground.

While they are out playing, they are getting exercise, which is something that our nation is in need of! They are also interacting and gaining social skills with other children.

Simply put, parks are a good investment. After reading the article "America's Backyard" I have come to a better understanding of why parks are important in our society and what people are doing to make it known. America's Backyard is an organization that engages with the public and informs them in the need of parks. America's Backyard hopes raise money to build more parks for communities.

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