Thursday, November 11, 2010

You've Got Tweets

Social networking is playing a big part in recreation now a days. When you go onto facebook, you can find pages easily for summer camps and even recreation departments. This article, "You've Got Tweets" tells the importance of getting into new technology to reach to the community.

The article is saying that getting into the social networks is reaching out to the community more over making a website with the information since things like facebook and twitter are familiar to society today. The article also suggests to use LinkedIn, blogging, & RSS for more of a "work talk" environment.

The article also stresses not to worry about which social network to use, because new things come out everyday. Also, it is easy to make a new page on another social network if one isn't working as well as one was expecting.

Technology is playing a big part in our society today and the parks and recreation departments are doing a great job in getting into figuring out the technology of today.

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