Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am so thankful to finally be done with the instructions project. At first I wasn't a fan of all the peer reviews, but when it came to do my final draft I didn't have much to do at all. Normally I don't like group projects, but when it comes to giving feedback on something I have done by myself it is useful.

I missed last class, so I'm not sure which group I am in. We'll see how this group project goes. Hopefully it'll be better than some of my previous experiences with group projects.


R said...

I'm glad you liked the peer reviews, too. I also thought it was really helpful to have others review my work. It really made the final draft so much easier.

I do hope that this next project goes better for you than some of your other projects. I have certainly had my fair share of difficult projects: people not doing their work, complaining every meeting, not being able to write a sentence, or thinking they know everything. I hope that this project will allow us all to use are various skills to make a better project, and not end up like the disasters we have experienced before.

JED said...

I agree. Peer reviews were difficult at first especially when you don't know the people you are reviewing too well. It is tough to be truthful yet be helpful at the same time.

It is really actually more helpful when everyone is truthful with you about your work. With all the input it makes the final draft much easier.

Kyle said...

I was amazed at how easy my final draft was. After reviewing the instructions piece by piece in class, I basically only changed 2 or 3 lines for the final copy. I think everyone in our group was helpful but not overly critical, which is a fine line.

HLong said...

I have always been confused by the use of peer reviews. sometimes teachers use them as a sole method of correction of a rough draft. I know that the drafts I looked at I didn't know what to say about it. If we are all there because we don't know how to write a paper how are we supposed to correct a paper. Granted, it is a lot quicker than turning it in and having to wait for the teacher to look over it and make their comments. sometimes it seems like they are trying to get us to do their job for them.

JRF said...

Me too! It feels good to have our first project in 314 finished and graded. The peer reviews helped me out more than i normally thought they did, due to some changes I made that got some good comments. Also, the peer review makes things a little easier on my part because peers can tell me what they see wrong in my paper without trying to find it myself. I think I like this whole peer review idea now.

Scott said...

I too was not sure about the peer reviews. At first I felt alittle self-conscience about my work. I don't know these people that are going to be critiquing my writing. However, I realized that we were all in the same boat. The process, I felt, was very profitable. It helped me fine tune my paper, which resulted in a good grade.